Sunday, July 29, 2007

Day One

I told myself I would not get into blogging, but something came over me and I just did it. So Here I am, writing my first post(?). I decided to title my blog (for now) "Thoughts from the Rumbleseat" for a couple of reasons. First of all, I have "Rumbleseat" on the brain because that is the name of a little business that my mom and I are starting up...more to come on that another day. The other reason is because we are on a long summer road trip and I'm primarily in the passenger seat and I have alot of time to look out the window and...dream...Hence, "thoughts from the Rumbleseat". For those of you who don't know, the rumbleseat is the seat in the back of the old fashioned cars from, oh, I think the 30's and 40's that flipped up in the back. Sure, I'm not sitting in the back, but, whatever.

What am I thinking about while travelling in the passenger seat? I won't go into detail, but here's a rough list:
-Gee, I wonder what it's like to live in this town (referring to the town we are passing through)?
-What sort of sewing projects I want to get into next.
-What sort of knitting projects I want to get into next.
-What I want to make friends and family for Christmas this year.
-What I'm going to do for homeschooling my 7 year-old this year.
-What sort of vacations I want to take next.
-Goals in general.
-And every other random thought you can think of.
It's getting late and I'm tired. I just wanted to get something started. More to come

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