Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mantequilla y bolsas

I didn't have the camera for a couple of days and missed it. But, I did manage a couple pics of what I/we've busied ourselves with. The spring weather has been wonderful (while it lasted). Apparently, we have a weather forecast of snow coming our way soon *sigh*. But, we enjoyed some bike rides and walks in the last couple of days, so that was good. I also did a little sewing. I decided I needed another purse, and when this blog featured this purse, I had to try it. It was so easy, I made 2. One for a little neighbor friend and one for myself. The girls and I also tried butter. I was planning on doing this weeks ago and bought cream. We didn't get to it before the cream went bad. So I bought some more and it was also so easy. I let the cream get to room temp, put it in a jar and we took turns shaking the jar. It only took about 10 minutes total. It was fun to periodically open the jar and see the different stages the cream went through. I plan to make biscuits with the butter milk. This morning we had homemade bread with homemade butter and eggs from our chickens. I'm feeling more and more like Laura Ingalls. Last night we watched "Little Women" for our Friday pizza and a movie night. I always cry when I see that movie. It's so good. Grace said "Do they have a Little Women II?" I told her there wasn't. She said the movie was so good she didn't want to see it end. We hadn't read the book yet, so that one's next on our list (after "The Last Battle").

Perhaps you're wondering why the Spanish title? Well, I'm working on my conversational Spanish these days. I have two new friends, Irlanda y Ruth. Irlanda is from Mexico and Ruth is from Peru. The three of us got together twice for a playdate (we all have kindergarteners) and lunch. Irlanda and Ruth said they would gladly teach me Spanish. We are just starting with them talking about 1/3 of the time in Spanish and I repeat in English back what I'm getting. Then I try my hand at some very simple Spanish with them. It's fun and I really enjoy hanging out with them. They are so patient with me!

1 comment:

  1. we just made butter too!!!!
    great minds think alike i guess.
