Saturday, April 4, 2009

Felted Easter Eggs

We recently returned from a wonderful trip to Santa Cruz, CA visiting dear friends. Once home, I realized that Easter is right around the corner and the girls and I haven't done much in the way of any seasonal crafts. So I decided to try out felted Easter eggs. We learned this from Pam when she had a shop in town. I forgot that I had bought a bunch of roving, so we had several colors to play with. The trick is having roving that wet felts easily. These felted up so fast and they turned out great! All you do is take a plastic Easter egg and tape up the seam and any holes, cut a piece of roving about 2" wide and 12" long, wrap around the egg, drizzle a little dish soap on it and plunge in hot water and roll around in your hands until it felts around the egg. We alternated between hot and cold water which helped the process go faster. You can leave the eggs as-is or take an x-acto (sp?) knife and cut a jagged line around the egg (to make it look cracked), take the plastic one out and put a little treasure inside (i.e. little chick). I also felted up some little balls. I think I'll use them to make hair accessories to put in the girl's Easter baskets.

I also indulged myself in a little blog surfing and found this great blog that links a monthly book that they make called the "Book of Days". I bought and downloaded the April book. I'm excited to start doing some of the activities in it. Check it out.

And, on another note. I welcome any comments. Don't be shy. I like to know when people are reading. I've "heard" that people are reading, but would love to see as well. I mean, it's fine writing this for myself and all, but it's a little more motivating if you know others are out there. I just may have a giveaway in the future, too. I love that kind of stuff!


  1. very cute. though i think braden wouldn't be too interested in felt eggs. if they had a spiderman that might do it! Happy Easter to the Diezs.

  2. Oooo. Can we play with felting when we come visit? These are adorable!

  3. Those are really cute.... you are such a crafty mama!
