Wednesday, October 24, 2007


That's the word I use for my nose. Perhaps it's not the most flattering word, but I got in the habit of calling it that. Currently, I have a tender schnoz. I had sinus surgery and surgery on my "deviated septum". NOT a comfortable procedure to heal from. But, putting all that aside, I wanted to talk a little about the schnoz. I've never considered it a particularly attractive part of my face. My family members told me I have a "Roman" nose due to the size of it and the bump on the ridge. Having it described to me in such a way led me to believe that a "Roman" nose isn't one that's too desirable. Then, I started reading about fictional characters who would be described as beautiful. When the author would proceed to describe that character's "beauty" they would say something like "she had a straight nose". Then I would get to thinking..."Hmm, straight nose=pretty, bump on the ridge=ugly". See where I'm going with this? So, when my ENT told me I would need sinus surgery, I jokingly said "Oh, while you're in there, how about if you just shave the bump off the ridge of my nose". To my surprise, he said he could do that If I wanted him to. It would cost me about $700. At first I got real excited about the possibility of having a "straight" nose, then I got to thinking about what $700 could go to. I then decided to poll people. My mom and sisters said "go for it!" seemingly without hesitation (Is my schnoz that bad??). Coworkers/friends who have had their own stuff "done" or wished they had also said "why not?" Then there was a remnant, a few close friends who said "you want to what???". These lead to some philosophical discussions, points and counterpoints, etc. Then it hit me...I am spending way too much time thinking about this! I need to make a decision and once that decision is made, be fine with it. After a few too many sideways glances in the mirror. I decided that my nose isn't all that bad. It gives me my own unique look and I just need to decide to love my nose and be done with it. We women (at least some of us) spend way too much time and energy thinking about what we'd like to change. I'm tired of it. It's my personality that determines how lovely I will appear to others. I was just talking to a friend about how, one's physical appearance really does seem to change for the better or worse after you get to know their character. So, I really do feel fine with my "schnoz" and I chose not too get the bump shaved off. In fact, to celebrate my nose and recovery, I'm gonna pierce it. EMBRACE THE NOSE (and whatever else I may get hung up about)! Amen. The End.


  1. I love your beautiful schnoz! It is part of what makes you, you!

  2. true that.

    when i looked at your photos over on flickr, one of my first thoughts was, 'i'm so glad she kept the schnoz she was given'. it's a beautiful nose!!!
