Sunday, November 4, 2007

I Heart Coffee

It's true. I love it so much I bought my own roaster and roast my own. I do this at least twice a week. It's so satisfying to prepare your treats from scratch (well, sort of, I didn't grow or dry the beans). Alas, I may need to detox myself from the liquid heaven for a bit due to some symptoms related to overindulgence. I think I'll make my final decision on whether to give it up for a spell within the next 6 months. (: I mean, come on, it's Portland, Oregon and autumn. First I'll try more water consumption. A friend asked about my water intake and I lied to her saying I drink about 32 oz a day (which even at that, is a small amount). Apparently, I should be drinking half my weight in ounces, and I'll tell you now, I don't weigh 64 pounds. So, I've had my Sigg bottle constantly full and asked the girls to help me remember to drink. Grace is taking it to the max, reminding me every 15 minutes (why did I do that??). I am now drinking what I should in water and I think I'm starting to notice a difference in my energy level. Yippee!

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