Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Day in the Life a Portland Momma

Boy, I'm a bad, bad blogger. I love reading other's blogs, and can't get myself to jot down my incredibly profound thoughts (HA) every now and then. So I thought I would just write about our Thursday to get me started again. Today was a fairly typical Thursday for us. Iris and I woke up at 7:45. Grace woke up at 8:30. Today is a library day, so I took inventory of how many books we had checked out-22! I'll admit, about 7 of those were knitting books for me and a couple of novels I've been meaning to read for oh, years. I just finished the Red Tent-very good, and Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral is next. Since there were several unread children's books I had Grace read me a couple before I jumped into the shower. Then it was off to get Esther and Caroline for a homeschooling morning. We went to the library and got some (more) books including a couple about groundhogs (aka woodchucks I'll have you know) and Groundhog Day (aka Candlemas). The girls finished their calendar page about the Arctic Fox and we all started researching groundhogs for our February calendar page. Lunch was made, an incredibly poopy diaper was changed (ahem-yes you're welcome Taunia) and Esther and Caroline went home. After reading about candlemas this morning I felt inspired to buy some beeswax to make candles on Saturday while we are at the cabin on the Metolius so we ventured over to the Steiner Storehouse. They had wax all right, but I couldn't bring myself to pay as much as they wanted so instead I spent more than I planned on some calcium supplements, kite paper, jars for water color paints and a little gift. I think I still have some of my grandpa's beeswax in the basement. I got to talking to the woman at the store and she mentioned she was a writer. I told her Grace and I have been working on a book together for a good year or so and I would love to try to self publish. She said she would be happy to help me with ideas. So that was fun. Then down to New Seasons for our food for the weekend. On the way home Grace said "Momma, did you see that chicken in the parking lot of that car place?" I hadn't, but said, "Grace, that is the beauty of living in SE Portland, it's not uncommon to see livestock on our way home." Then it was back home for smoothies. The girls are playing quietly together. No mind that their play is all about how their mom died (uh, yeah, that would be me).

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