Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm Back!

It's been almost a year since my last blog post and so much has changed. We moved to Central Oregon for a "simpler" life. We enrolled our girls in the local public charter school, and I started a (very small) private practice. So far I have no regrets. Don't get me wrong, there are people and things I miss from our "old" life: family, friends, convenience of living in the city, culture... However, I have to admit, I love the small town and community. I love the fact that I live right next door to my sister and her family. I love living amidst beautiful Ponderosa Pines and having outdoor recreation right outside my door. I love living 5 blocks from town, my kids' school and husband's work. Portland is a great city, and I have a very special place in my heart for it and all my loved ones there. I am glad we don't live too far away to visit.

I've realized that my communication with friends and family hasn't been up to par, so I thought I may attempt (note word, attempt) to blog a little about our daily life so that friends and family can check in when they want. It may just be a photo of something we did, or a quick list, or just a few of my random thoughts...

Guess I should start with this weekend... Shawn, the girls and I took a quick trip to Eugene. Shawn had a conference and I thought it would be fun to hang out in a bigger town with the girls and enjoy a night in a motel together. The girls and I had a blast. first, we went out to breakfast and brought a game along to play. Then we went to the *gasp* mall and looked at (but didn't buy) clothes. We decided to go to a movie. After the movie we went to the *gasp* candy store. (The gasps are there because we rarely do those things). Then we went out to lunch at Cafe Yumm! and followed it with a trip to the *gasp* manicurist. But, only G. got her nails painted. I. decided she didn't want strangers painting her nails. We topped it off with a trip to the bookstore. The girls couldn't believe I said yes to all those things and said it was the best day of their lives. However, they also said that two days before when we went out to sushi and icecream. We picked Shawn up and he and I decided the girls needed one more surprise, so we stopped at Belknap Hotsprings for a soak on the way home. Good times!

Today, we decided to enjoy half the day in our pjs and then a walk into town. We hung out at the library and I discovered this book. So I let the kids pick out a cookie to bake and we swung into the local natural foods store to get the necessary ingredients to bake FORTUNE cookies later. We also had to swing into another store so I could show the owner a dress I made out of a vintage pillow case (I'll post the picture later). She let me borrow this book. It is so full of fun ideas! Back home to clean up the aftermath of the kid tornado that went threw our house in the morning, pizza made, cookies made. Then G, my sis and I went to the community talent show. A great Friday and Saturday. Who knows what Sunday will hold...hmm I hear coughing in the kid's room...

1 comment:

  1. Katie Katie Katie. I am just now reading your blog - been sooo busy - too busy and as usual, you inspire me on so many levels. From your lifestyle to your humor and your depth. I adore you and miss you. When is your spring break?
